18 Eylül 2012 Salı


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It's over.

Mittens ought to concede right now. He's been found out!

See this TOP SECRET report from DAVID CORN at the crack progressive INVESTIGATIVE website Mother Jones, "SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters."

To protect the confidential source who provided the video, we have blurred some of the image, and we will not identify the date or location of the event, which occurred after Romney had clinched the Republican presidential nomination.
Because the Mitt mafia will be dispatched on the double to teach this spy a lesson! Never cross the Rombino crime family!

Oh brother.

It's not like progressives aren't all about "Obama Bucks," or anything. And the progressive fever swamps are all bent that Romney would actually talk strategy like this at a private fundraiser? No shit. IT'S JUST HORRIBLE that Mittens would talk about government dependents like that! I mean, it's perfectly fine for "The One's" reelection committee to create a prototypical dependency robot named "Julia" who lives cradle to grave sucking at the government's teat, but when the GOP nominee admits he'll never get the Democrats' welfare handout vote, well, THAT'S A SCANDAL!

Like I said. Time to concede. We're done. The Democrats are just too wily for us. They'll have us locked down in dependency before you know it. DOOMED!!

Added: At LONELY CONSERVATIVE!, "Who Paid $50,000 to Record Mitt Romney at a Private Fundraiser?"

Well, maybe those progs aren't that smart after all. $50,000? Somebody's been suckered and bad.

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