These are some of the claims spewed in recent weeks by GOP politicians, pundits, radio and TV talk-show hosts, consultants, experts, and similar blowhards -- all of which turned out to be completely wrong:
- Enthusiasm for Obama is way down.
- Young people will not vote in as large a quantity as 2008.
- African-Americans won't turn out on the scale they did in 2008.
- Latinos won't skew as much for Obama as they did in 2008.
- The polls are wrong.
- The polls are skewed and can't be believed.
- The polls are a liberal conspiracy.
- When all polls but one show Obama winning, believe the one that says Romney.
- Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Wisconsin will go red this year.
- Benghazi will be the story that tips the election against Obama.
- Obama not meeting with Netanyahu at the UN will kill the Jewish vote for him.
- It's a good idea to say stupid things about rape.
- The War On Women is a liberal lie that won't affect the election outcome.
- You can't win the White House when unemployment is around 8%.
- The Black Panthers exist in numbers larger than 5.
- Obama will take away your guns.
- Kid Rock and Meat Loaf are bigger than Bruce Springsteen and Jay Z.
- Karl Rove is as good at math as he is at influencing campaigns with SuperPAC money.
- Hundreds of millions of Super PAC dollars will make the difference for Romney.
- Dick Morris is a political genius.
- Nate Silver doesn't matter.
- Donald Trump matters.
- You can win an election with a base made up mostly of old white guys.
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