10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

In Case You Missed It -- Obama Victory Edition

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From my Twitter feed on election night...
  • I'm very happy that Obama won again, looking forward to Congress working with him now. Okay, that's the funniest thing I've tweeted tonight.
  • If you'd told me as a kid that today a man named Barack would beat a man named Willard for prez, I'd have guessed we were playing Mad Libs.
  • A coalition of voters large enough to win the White House? Mitt Romney didn't build that.
  • Nate Silver: 44 for 44. Sheldon Adelson: 0 for $50 million. Should've bet on FiveThirtyEight at the Venetian sports book.
  • Scott Pelley: "The next Congress will have the same makeup it has now." Bob Schieffer: "And the same approval ratings as small pox."
  • Big lesson tonight for future GOP senate candidates -- under no circumstances should you ever say the word "rape." For any reason.
  • I have won the exact same number of elections as Linda McMahon, and I spent $100 million less than she did. Money well spent.
  • Ironic we have to wait for results from south Florida, where 80% of voters had dinner at 4:30pm and went to sleep before polls closed.
  • I've wondered all year how under-represented the youth vote was, since they don't have landlines for pollsters to call and annoy them on.
  • Romney loses both of his home states (MI & MA), & won't win his car elevator state (CA), either. What state is Rafalca's stable in?
  • Romney-Ryan lose MA and WI. Obama-Biden win IL & DE. Last time a Pres/VP ticket lost both of their home states was McGovern-Shriver '72.
  • No matter how much Jennifer Granholm yells, Current TV's coverage still looks like a public access channel. Keith Olbermann was right.
  • What are the chances that *anyone* knows that there's election coverage on AXS TV anchored by Dan Rather? Exit polls say it's exactly 0.0%.
  • In Wisconsin, Tammy Baldwin could become the first openly gay senator. If you don't count Larry "Wide Stance" Craig.
  • My polling place allows an odd version of early voting. I cast my ballot for Malia Obama in the 2036 election vs. one of Rand Paul's sons.
  • Missouri may look like an entirely red state but we just re-elected a Democratic governor & senator. Got meth?
  • Winners tonight: Obamacare, gay marriage, marijuana, Sesame Street, Nate Silver, candidates not afraid to do Letterman, and Americans who aren't old white men.

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