I had the retail experience of my life yesterday while traveling in London. I'm a big retail aficionado, so it's hard at this point to find something that impresses ... and that feels really different.
Several of the concierges at the hotel told me that I simply must go to Liberty London. I was familiar with the brand, mostly from the flower prints known famously. But I was not familiar with the retail store.
It's a wow! Beautiful skin care and cosmetics department, but honestly not game changing and the Christmas shop was just ok ... not differentiating at all. Feeling a little underwhelmed, I headed to the lower level for the men's department. Boom! Room after room of different styles and lines that were unique to me along with some familiar names. I could have spent hours there ... and several paychecks.
Feeling a bounce in my step I then headed to the home section where the selection of accessories was the most eclectic mix I had seen in years. With prices that didn't discourage, all wonderfully merchandised to pick up and investigate. I didn't really get to the women's handbags section, but it looked like it had an incredible mix of brands (high and low), again all merchandised for easing browsing.
It all just felt so ... London ... which was just what I needed. I really needed a shot of something tied to the city and the culture, not the same as what we can get at home. I'm coming home satisfied!
Liberty London is a must see, quintessential London. And BTW, the sales help were amazing which is such an important part of the brand experience.
What's your experience? Jim.
Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Marketing Professor, NYU
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